SDG ambassadors

In 2015, world governments signed a historic agreement to work for a harmonious and sustainable world over the next fifteen years and ratified United Nations Agenda 2030. To achieve this goal, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been set. These are the 17 economic, social and environmental goals to which all 193 United Nations member states are committed.

Worldwide SDG Week kicks off on September 20th with a strike for climate change mitigation. More than four years in a row the NGDO Platform has been organizing various activities to encourage citizens to become better acquainted with and involved in the implementation of the SDGs. We believe that it is important for everyone, especially students, to be aware of these Sustainable Development Goals, which are relevant worldwide and shape future strategies. The tasks also aim to actualize these global goals and problems in the Lithuanian context, to show that we can each contribute to the implementation of these goals.

The main activities of SDG ambassadors take place in the form of various sessions and quizzes, where participants answer various questions related to sustainable development, play various games of non-formal education. The main themes of the activities may include all 17 Sustainable Development Goals or any other theme related to global citizenship (cross-continental themes, fair trade, global education challenges, etc.).

Currently, the Lithuanian NGDO has gathered a considerable network of Lithuanian schools, gymnasiums and youth centers, which annually participate in the activities of SDG ambassadors.

Highlights from the 2020 campaign 'SDGs Week': 

Find pictures and information here: 

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