Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania
Gedimino pr. 56B, Vilnius
+370 5 249 7304
General Secretary Edvinas Regelskis
The goal of the Order of Malta Relief Organisation is to carry out social and charitable support activities to help the neediest citizens of Lithuania. More than 100 different social projects were implemented in Lithuania over 20 years. Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania (Maltos ordino pagalbos tarnyba - MOPT) was established in 1991.

At present, 28 MOPT groups operate in our country. Order of Malta Relief Organisation has 35 permanent employees and more than 900 volunteers. Maltesers mission in Lithuania, as well as around the world, is strictly humanitarian, impartial, and mostly voluntary.

- Social centers provide food, clothing and nursing measures (29 locations);
- Help to poor lonely old people (food and home care);
- Organisation of Social Day care centres (10) for children from disadvantaged families;
- The first Youth Centre opened in 2015.
- Organisation of youth social activities (28 young Maltesers groups);
- Courses of First aid and social care for volunteers (4 regions);
- Fundraising campaigns (campaign “Maltese soup” and charity concert on TV).
- Services for disabled people.

The Maltesers are involving volunteers in charity campaigns and need of care projects.

Maltesers integrate young people, teaching them kindness and compassion; every day they help the needy elderly and single people and children living in poverty; they spread the Order of Malta noble mission to help weak and sick.
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