Lithuanian Red Cross
A. Juozapavičiaus g. 10A, Vilnius
+370 5 262 8037
General Secretary Kristina Meidė
Lithuanian Red Cross, founded in 1919 is a non-governmental organisation, which belongs to the International Red Cross Movement consisting of the International Red Cross Committee, International Red Cross and Crescent Federation and national societies, that are active in 188 countries.
Lithuanian Red Cross is auxiliary to the government in humanitarian field in time of peace. During armed conflicts it fulfills the tasks foreseen in Geneva Conventions. In its work it is guided by the Fundamental principles of Red Cross Movement: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, universality.
The main mission of Lithuanian Red Cross is to prevent and alleviate human suffering making no discrimination as to nationality, race, sex, religion, language, political views.
Our main activities: social and medical care for elderly, handicapped people at home, teaching first aid, tracing, legal and social assistance for refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, humanitarian aid, dissemination of International Humanitarian Law, youth activities.